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Award Nominations

The Award Nominations for 2025 are now OPEN.
Deadline Date: July 15, 2025
Winners will be announced at the WRAP Conference Banquet on Thursday, September 18 in Marshfield, WI

Every year, WRAP gives out awards designed to recognize the extraordinary individuals who exemplify leadership and exceptional achievements of Activity Professionals and others serving in the healthcare who are dedicated to improving quality of live.

  • Award of Excellence Activity Professional of the Year
  • Award of Excellence Activity Assistant of the year
  • Administrator of the Year
  • Volunteer of the Year
  • Beyond Care Giving Award

WRAP Awards are presented annually during the Annual Conference Banquet and Award Ceremony.
Either the nominee or nominator must be a WRAP member.

Award of Excellence Activity Professional of the Year is presented to an Activity Professional who is a WRAP Member who has made outstanding contribution to the field of activities, highlighting their contributions to the health and therapeutic care that exemplifies an activity professional’s dedication and service. This individual will have demonstrated accomplishments at their facility/agency and leadership in local, state and national activity associations.

Award of Excellence Activity Assistant of the Year is presented to an Activity Assistant who has been nominated by the Activity Director and has demonstrated outstanding skills within their position and provided quality of care to their residents/clients. Must be nominated by a facility that employs at least one WRAP member.

Administrator of the Year is presented to an Administrator nominated by the facility’s Activity Director who has demonstrated outstanding support to the quality of care for their clients/residents and to the Activity Profession. Must be employed by a facility that employs at least one WRAP member.

The Volunteer of the Year is presented to a volunteer who has demonstrated outstanding communication and compassion for the residents/clients they serve. Must be nominated by a facility that employs at least one WRAP member.

Beyond Care Giving Award is presented to a caregiver in a facility who goes above and beyond caring for the whole person, recognizing the importance of meaningful activities and quality of life. Must be nominated by a facility that employs at least one WRAP member.  



WRAP Award Nominations

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