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Member Resources

Meeting Minutes

Here you will find the minutes of the WRAP Board meetings from the most recent to our archived past minutes.  The Board meets four times a year and much happens during these meetings!  In addition, we have “Interim Business” that takes place via email.  You can review YOUR Board at work here.   These minutes are password protected as only WRAP members have access to these.


WRAP delivers a top quality eBlast monthly to their members.  Articles are written by Board members as well other others who are welcome to submit articles.   If you are a member who is not receiving this electronically, please check with the Membership Chair to see that we have your email correct.

Annual Reports

Each year at our annual conference, each Board Member presents a verbal report at the Membership Meeting.  We do have archieved reports but you will find the latest discussions in the Meeting Minutes (Septembers).

Membership List

See the latest WRAP Membership list. A reminder that WRAP does NOT sell or give out their members email or contact information at anytime.  This report is password protected as only WRAP members have access.


See the ByLaws that govern the operation of WRAP.  These bylaws are password protected as only WRAP members have access.

Job Descriptions

WRAP has a job description for each Committee Chair and Regional Rep.  Those now are a part of each specific Policy and Procedure.  Please contact us for more information.


As part of WRAP’s strategic plan, we send WRAP representatives to area conferences and meetings.  Here you will find information from the attendees.  These reports hold a wealth of information about what is happening in our field and in those who work closely with senior facilities.

Lending Library

As part of your WRAP membership, you have access to the Lending Library.  It contains many publications both in written and video forms.  This is how it works:  As a member you can view the Lending Library with your password you received with your membership.  When you find something that you would like to borrow, you email the WRAP Education Chair Brianna VandenHeuvel.   Your item(s) will be mailed out based on availability to the address you provide.  You have 30 days to use the materials and then return them as instructed.  You will also be responsible for reimbursing WRAP the postage cost for mailing it TO you.  The Education Chair will let you know what that charge is.  It’s that easy!  Take some time to check out the materials.