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Our 2020 WRAP election cycle begins this fall, as we start our search for nominees interested in seeking the offices of President and Treasurer for our organization.  Your assistance in promoting our election process is vital, as we must get information out to the WRAP members about the need for qualified nominees who would be willing to serve WRAP in either of these offices.  Maybe you are interested in seeking office or perhaps there is someone you know who would consider being a candidate.  Please encourage WRAP members you know and those in your region to become involved!

Information about candidate qualifications, job duties of the President and Treasurer, as well as a nomination form are attached.  Thank you for your continued work on behalf of WRAP and for your assistance in the nomination process.
Nadine Williams, AAP-BC, ADC
Nominations Chair
Dove Healthcare – Rice Lake
910 Bear Paw Ave
Rice Lake, WI 54868
715-719-0520 ext. 18006

Nominations must be submitted by March 1, 2020

President and Treasurer Job Descriptions