2024 Cultural Arts:
The online registration deadline of Friday , September 13 has passed and the registration is now closed. Projects can be brought to the conference if not registered, but you will only be given a handwritten certificate.
Do your residents have projects that need to be shared? The WRAP Conference is the place to share what has been accomplished over the past year at your center. We are looking forward to another LIVE Cultural Arts show with the 2024 Conference! That means YOU can bring the projects to the conference for everyone to see.
The registration form is below. We will need your name, facility, address, resident name and age, project name, percentage of work completed by resident and description, size of project, along with the category you want to display in. There are no limits of how many projects you can bring. We will do our best to showcase everything!
Please register your projects by Friday , September 13 in order to get an official certificate. Projects can be brought to the conference if not registered, but you will only be given a handwritten certificate. We will have judging and awards for all the projects.
When you arrive at Conference you will be provided an envelope with cards for all of your projects. The projects will be placed in the appropriate location for judging. All entries will receive ribbons and certificates. The Best of Show will be awarded and presented at the Awards Banquet. Last minute projects will also be accepted, as long as there is room for display.
Check out the Cultural Arts video from last year for project ideas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a62CQZua34w
Be watching for the link and start collecting the projects your residents have been working on. See you in September!
Shirley Duerst, Cultural Arts Chair
EMAIL: shurly@tds.net
2022 WRAP Cultural Exhibit
Thank you to all WRAP members who showcased the many talents of their residents with a Virtual Cultural Exhibit at the 2022 WRAP Conference in Marshfield, WI September 21-23.
We are pleased to present the following videos:
2021 WRAP Cultural Exhibit: WRAP showcased the many talents of our resident with a VIRTUAL CULTURAL EXHIBIT that was featured through out the 2021 WRAP Conference in Marshfield, WI.
Here is the uTube link for you to watch in its entirety. Enjoy!!!
Thank you to all the 2019 Cultural Art Entries!!
Here are the Best of Show Winners!

There were 127 total entries!
Here are some of the Best of Show Winners:
Thank you to all our 2015 Cultural Arts Entries!
Here are just a sample of the many 2015 entries:
If you have any questions about the Cultural Arts, please contact:
Shirley Duerst
Cultural Arts Chair
The Cultural Art Show is open to WRAP MEMBERS ONLY