August Chair Chi Dates
See WRAP’s Resource Page for information and registration forms for upcoming Chair Chi Courses in August in Wausau, Muskego, Green Bay and Marshfield. https:/
See WRAP’s Resource Page for information and registration forms for upcoming Chair Chi Courses in August in Wausau, Muskego, Green Bay and Marshfield. https:/
Visit our Job Board for an open position in Colby, WI https:/
WRAP Members: There are WRAP Conference Scholarships available. Please visit our website and fill out the Application on our website. They are DUE July 17, 2017. https:/
Every year, WRAP gives out awards designed to recognize the extraordinary individuals who exemplify leadership and exceptional achievements of Activity Professionals and others serving in the healthcare who are dedicated to improving quality of live. Award of Excellence Activity Professional of the Year Award of Excellence Activity Assistant of the year Administrator of the Year […]
The 2017 WRAP Conference Brochure is HERE! Plan on joining us for the 39th Annual WRAP Conference in Stevens Point, WI from September 20-22, 2017. WRAP Members cost: $200 when postmarked by September 1st. Plan on also attending the Pre-Conference Intensive on Wednesday, September 20 for an additional $75 prior to September 1st. This […]
Chair Chi Instructor Certification Course is being offered by Pat Griffith on Wednesday, June 21, 2017 in Green Bay and again on Thursday, June 22, 2017 in Marshfield. Chair Chi 6.21.17 Green Bay, WI. Chair Chi 6.22.17 Marshfield, WI.
Professional Networking Chair Patty Morter attended the 2017 Alzheimer’s Conference on WRAP’s behalf. Patty was also a presenter and her session was titled: Importance of Social Connectedness. She has shared that powerpoint with the WRAP Membership as well as her recap of the Conference. As a WRAP Member, please log in to the Members Area […]
WRAP Vice President Ingrid Constalie attended the NAAP Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado in April 2017. As a representative of WRAP, she has written a summary of the conference with lots of ideas. WRAP Members can view it by logging in and viewing under REPORTS.
Check out the WRAP Job Board for more details about an opening in Kenosha: https:/
Teepa Snow will be in Stevens Point, WI on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 to present at the Wisconsin Representatives of Activity Professionals (WRAP) Pre-conference session. This is open to all disciplines and we invite you to mark your calendars and spread the word! During this six hour day, there will be three presentations: Activities and […]