2015 Governor’s Act Week Proclamation
Print out this Proclamation and PROCLAIM it in YOUR Facility! (You may want to print it on 11×17 paper or resize your printer) 2015 Gov Proclamation Activity Professionals Week copy
Print out this Proclamation and PROCLAIM it in YOUR Facility! (You may want to print it on 11×17 paper or resize your printer) 2015 Gov Proclamation Activity Professionals Week copy
Read the new October 2104 WRAPping It Up Newsletter under the Members Only section using your membership password to gain access. It is full of wonderful information, including a recap of the 2014 Conference in Green Bay. There is also a Call for Papers for NEXT year’s conference… maybe YOU will be one of our […]
Read the Leading Age Fall Conference Report written by Government Relations Chair Ingrid Constalie. It can be found under MEMBERS Only “Reports” page on this website. This is a password protected page for members only. You received your password when you received your membership information/confirmation. It is full of great information!
Check out our Job Board for details on an open Activities Manager for Cedar Crest, Inc in Janesville, WI Posted 9/20/14
Review the WRAP 2014 Annual Report! It can be found in the “Members Only” section under “Annual Reports”. Find out what your WRAP Board is doing for YOU!
Just a reminder that the WRAP website “Members Only” page is password protected. This password changes annually and is given to all members when you become a WRAP member for the first time or when you renew your membership. This takes effect FRIDAY, AUGUST 1st. You received this password when you received your […]
Here are two reviews from the May Leading Age Conference written by Ingrid Constalie, WRAP’s Government Relations Chair. Thank you Ingrid for these excellent summaries! Leading Age 2014 Cat Selman Leading Age 2014 That’s A GREAT Idea
The July WRAPping It Up Edition is out and ready for our members to view. Please go to the password protected Members Only page (located under the “Membership” tab) and read all the awesome articles in this jam-packed publication. Just a reminder that one of the benefits of your WRAP membership is that the newsletter […]
Read the review of the May Leading Age Wisconsin Conference attended by Patty Morter, Professional Networking Chair: LeadingAge Wisconsin 2014 Spring Conference