Virtual Conference Brochure: Sept 24
The September 24, 2020 Virtual Conference Brochure can be found here! Want to register now, click HERE
The September 24, 2020 Virtual Conference Brochure can be found here! Want to register now, click HERE
Download the information and form for the “Cart Contest” hosted by the International Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners (ICCDP). Prize: $1,000.00!! Due date: July 31, 2020 ICCDP contest Announcement to Activity Professionals and Recreation Therapist Deadline July 31st 2020 updated July 15th 2020
GOOD NEWS! WRAP Will be hosting a Virtual Conference on Thursday, September 24, 2020. Details are being worked on but we want you to save the date. The WRAP Board Meeting will be from 8-9AM. (All members encouraged to attend) and we will begin the virtual “conference” at 9 am CST. We are looking at […]
AGE-u-cate is announcing an exciting Scholarship Program for the AGE-u-cate Training Institute this summer. They are awarding a Compassionate Touch Certified Community training to one Assisted Living, Memory Care, Nursing Home, Home Care or Hospice Agency in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. That’s 51 organizations that will have a powerful tool to […]
The NAAP Annual Member meeting report is now posted under the Member Only area under reports. WRAP was represented by WRAP Vice President Sarah Pedretti.
As Founder Dawn Woodson will not be able to bring her materials to the WRAP 2020 Conference, she has offered these specials on her products. Here is her offer: I have slashed the prices of Songs of Faith – to $5 each for CD’s and $2.25 each for the words books – to help all […]
WRAP 2020 Conference Cancelled Given the continually evolving nature of COVID-19, and our concern for the health and safety of our members and the care communities they work in, the WRAP Board has made the difficult decision to cancel the WRAP Annual Conference which was scheduled for September 23-25, 2020 in Marshfield, WI. We want […]
Our latest edition of WRAPping It Up has been sent to your email box. You can also access it as a WRAP member on the WRAP members only area on the Website. This issue is also being sent via the US Post to WI facilities as our Annual Complimentary issue. You can also access […]
In light of the current COVID-19 situation, this workshop has been postponed indefinitely. Stay well. Southern Wisconsin Activity Professional Association (SWAPA) invites you to join them for a day workshop on Thursday, April 16, 2020 in Stoughton, WI. Download the Brochure SWAPA Workshop 2020
You are invited to join the Milwaukee Area Activity Professionals for a day of Education and Networking on Friday, January 24, 2020 at the Radisson Hotel-Milwaukee-West. Registration is due January 10. Download the form and mail as directed. MAAP NAP Day Info 2020: Page 1MAAP NAP Day Info 2020: Page MAAP NAP Day Registration form […]